Artistic Idea

“GAPscape - STATE OF ART - Italia” is an artistic project intended to represent present-day Italy, the “state of the art” of the country in terms of its contemporariness and of the excellences it expresses.
It is a holistic, cultural work that portrays this historical moment through the faces of Italian men and women who in their own, unique way will leave their mark in history.

In analogy with the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, the selection of the characters has followed the criteria of distinction, identifying them on the basis of their indisputable professional qualities, thus offering the viewer a picture of present-times as outlined by the traits of those who have succeeded in giving their best, confirming the power of mankind, the greatness of the Country. The choice of the faces is a story in itself, the personal and poetic journey of the artist who in turn offers the visitor her vision of the times.

The works of art are quasi-independent installations made up of two pieces: a portrait on plexiglas and a photograph of that same portrait taken in a city relevant for the protagonist.
The paintings are realized by applying pure pigments mixed with an acrylic paste to the transparent plexiglas surface. By transforming her ideas and metaphors into forms and colours the artist exploits empty spaces (gaps) through which landscape can be observed in the background.
The title GAPscape is a play on words, a neologism summarizing the artistic concept and the technique used. The distinguished figures and beautiful landscapes of the Country metaphorically represent its body and soul.
  chef Massimo Bottura    
portrait: pigments on plexiglas
photo of plexiglas at Piazza Grande in Modena

Historic reference


Throughout the ages, Italian history has often been illustrated through the portraits of its prominent individuals realized using techniques that were highly innovative for their times. During the Renaissance, for example, the discovery of perspective revolutionized the way portraits were made.
Portraits created for the exhibition “GAPscape – State of Art Italia” offer a modern version of this narration and the artist, with her absolutely personal and original technique, presents us with the possibility to observe present-day Italy through its protagonists and its landscapes recounted with a contemporary discourse


Piero della Francesca - Portraits of Duchi di Urbino, Florence Renaissance 1472


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